Thursday, January 17, 2002

Note to all: I am not named after the Sex and the City character Aidan Shaw! In fact, my parents did not even know there was such a character in Sex and the City since they don't watch the show. What I do have in common with this character is (as the copy on the web site puts it) that I too am "irresistibly charming, with laid-back sex appeal - witness the slow smile, the twinkle in his eyes..."

Actually, the slow smile is a tough one for me at this age since I've not yet developed the fine motor skills needed to smile when I want to.

One of my greatest concerns is that somehow so many people who watch the show will also be smitten by Aidan's laid-back sex appeal that they will decide to name their little boys after him and, heaven forbid, Aidan will become a trendy name. Oh God, I don't want to have the name that is to the 2000s what Jason was to the 1980s. The ridiculous popularity of the name Jason was made light of in the popular naming book, Beyond Jennifer and Jason. I hope the next edition is not subtitled beyond Ashley and Aidan.

Interestingly, the actor playing the Aidan character on Sex and the City, John Corbett, is perhaps most famous as the character Chris on the now defunct show Northern Exposure. Despite widespread expectations at the time the show folded that Rob Morrow, the lead in the series, would go on to the widest future fame. In fact, John Corbett has easily been the most commercially successful of the Northern Exposure cast. Here's an amusing connection -- Rob Morrow was in the same line as my parents when they went to see the Merchant-Ivory film Howard's End in New York City. While waiting in the line, Morrow seemed pushy and impatient.

I'm also not named after the actor Aidan Quinn although my mother finds those famous eyes incredibly arresting. I secretly suspect that she would swap my Daddy for Aidan Quinn in a heartbeat should the opportunity present itself.

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