Saturday, January 19, 2002

It was a very busy day for me today. In the morning, my parents talked to a doctor about how I'm doing. He seems to think that the bradys and so on were not a big deal at all and that once I learn how to eat, I'll get to go home. He thinks maybe 10 to 14 days until that happens. Some nurses continue to note my bronze complexion, so the doctor has ordered a new bilitest for me. Results on Monday or Tuesday.

I nursed for a record three times today! My intake was hghest on the first go at 16ccs. Three hours later, I got 10ccs, then at night only 6 ccs. My overall consumption was the highest one day total ever. In between my first two feedings, I had my first bath. At first I was not too sure that I exactly liked bathing. For one thing, to bathe, one needs to be naked, and I got cold and cranky at this prospect. Eventually I settled in a bit better. After my bath was over and my hair dried, I sported a nifty "sticky-uppie" hairdo. I look really cute (at least I think I must look really cool since I was bombarded by a zillion flash photos from my parents).

Well, after all the excitement, I was pretty tired. Shortly after my afternoon feeding I was out like a light. In fact, I was so zonked, you could pick me up and hold me upside down by my feet and I still wouldn't mind. (Thankfully, no one tried this experiment to find out though.) I think my low intake at night mostly had to do with how tired I was from the day's activities.

Since both my tear ducts are blocked up, I now get drops for my eyes. The drops seem to improve things although, much like a hamster, my eyes tend to get glued shut from time to time. How annoying. That's about it. My site has now had over 500 hits! Thanks for visiting it so often. My friends at Geocities sent me an e-mail telling me that over the last few days, I had one of the hottest sites in their domain. Amazing really.

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