Monday, January 21, 2002

Lots of new photos up on the site. They're scattered through all of the existing directories, so you'll have to go and search through all of them to see the new stuff.

I continue to improve at eating. Yesterday's two nursing sessions saw me consume 16ccs and 14ccs, respectively. I think I've now moved up to another level (the mid-teens in ccs). On the bottle front, I am regularly able to take my full meal (50ccs) this way.

On the downside, I had my bili levels tested and they're starting to trend up. The latest test came back 9 and change, which is up from 7 when I was tested more than a week ago. So far, I don't have to go back under the lights to improve my tan, but I'll keep you posted should I need to return to the George Hamilton lifestyle. Oddly, there is a rock band named Bilirubin. I'll bet they like being under the lights!

Tomorrow and Wednesday will be the first days in my entire life that I will not get to see my father. He's flying across the country to the Wharton School to try to get a job. I hope he succeeds. He's going to need a job to keep me in Pampers in the coming years!

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