Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Boring Boy

Got back the results from a whole batch of tests today. My bili levels are down in the 7s and the rest of my readings are good, so it seems like I'm becoming, as they say in the hospital, a boring little kid. Boring kids don't get to stay long, so I'd be quite happy to claim this moniker. To celebrate, I ripped the gavage tube out of my nose and flung it across the room. The nurse intitially wanted to put it back, but my parents persuaded her to hold off. Their confidence proved well founded as I nippled my entire 5:30 pm feeding. Flushed with that success, I then rolled through the night, nippling all my feedings up through the present time. I do NOT want that tube put back in.

I'm getting more vocal these days. Here is a top five list of my favorite noises to make:

1. Eh.
2. Ugh.
3. Baa-aaa-aaa (like a sheep)
4. Eeeep (high pitched like a mouse)
5. Ahhhhhh (standard infant cry)

Some day, if I'm feeling really ambitious, I'll have my daddy bring in his computer and digitize some of my noises, so you can hear them!

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