Friday, January 18, 2002

I have posted a brand new batch of photos to my website. These are located in the album labeled "Jan 7 to Jan 18". I attained a new weight milestone yesterday -- I now weigh 2600 grams (as compared to my birth weight of 2218g)! I don't really know my metric system yet, but using the handy converter I discovered that I weigh 5 pounds and 12 ounces! I did pretty well nursing yesterday taking 10ccs on each go. The lactation consultant was very pleased that I had migrated from non-nutritive sucking to nutritive sucking. I ran across an odd experiment that tries to use non-nutritive sucking as a way to see whether babies can discriminate between different languages.

I'm doing well at learning how to express myself in many ways. One of the things I seem to have learned how to do is pout. I'm also more vocal than I was two weeks ago. Now, when I'm unhappy, I no longer bleat like a lamb. That being said, the nurses still think of me as one of the mellowest babies in the ICN. My parents are both hoping that the mellow California vibe will stay with me throughout my childhood. Today, my parents may get to give me my first bath! I'm looking forward to it! Of course, I'll have pictures of the event to share with you guys.

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