Saturday, January 19, 2002

I have posted some new photographs to my website. They are in the Jan 1 directory.

Yesterday was a banner day for me eating-wise -- I set a new consumption record of 22ccs from nursing last night. Amazingly, after all that work, I still had enough energy to fuss as my parents were tucking me in for the night. This bought me an extra fifteen minutes at least of love and affection. A cunning plan on my part, I think.

The only downside is that my complexion seems to be a bit more bronzed than in days past, and at least one of the nurses worried that perhaps my bili level has started to climb again. That being said, I'm very alert and active and not at all a sleepy guy, so maybe I'm still okay. They're planning some tests to see what's going on.

Today, I'm going to have my first bath. I know my father absolutely adores baths (in fact, that's about all he talks to me about), so I'm looking forward to my first one. Of course, my Coppola-esque production crew will be on hand to record and photograph each minute of the experience, so you'll soon get to see how it went.

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