Saturday, March 29, 2003

Viva Mexico

Yesterday I got to have my first restaurant meal ordered just for me. We all went out to Chevy's, a mexican chain restaurant. It's very baby friendly. For one thing, it's quite loud at all times, so any contributions I make to the overall din are hardly noticeable. (Not that I'm loud, I'm really not.) For another thing, the place is filled with balloons, which I think may be one of the world's greatest inventions. Mommy and Daddy ordered quesadillas and they ordered me a kiddie quesadilla plate too. This featured some sort of corn stuff as well as quesadilla and French fries. Now normally when you put a plate in front of me, my first instinct is to fling it. But not tonight. I was in the mood for a fiesta, so I sat nicely eating the stuff from off my plate---including the corn stuff, which shocked Mommy.

Viva Mexico!

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