Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Outings with some of my Lady Friends

Yesterday, I went to my friend Sophia's 1st birthday party. There were eight other babies (5 girls and 3 boys) and their mommies plus the birthday girl. We played with Sophia's toys and had good things to eat. There was even a snack tray full of Cheerios for my cohort. I enjoyed some vanilla ice cream and a bit of cake too.

Today, I spent the morning with my daddy while Mommy went to a doctors appointment. Then, after lunch and a nap, Mommy and I went to have a play date at my friend Chloe's house. Chloe is a month and a half older than I am and an expert walker, so I was proud to show off my new walking abilities to her. Chloe also demonstrated her impressive climbing abilities to me. Boy, I can't wait until I can climb up on the furniture and stand up, like her. (Mommy seemed less excited by this prospect.)

Chloe and I played with her toys, and I was especially taken with her cat, Mia. I petted Mia many times and had to work hard to contain my exuberance so that I did not upset Mia with excessively enthusiastic petting. We also pushed big plastic boxes around the room, and when Chloe sat in hers, I decided to put other things in the box with her so she wouldn't be lonely in there. We also played some especially exciting games of peek-a-boo with our mommies.

Chloe and I also had dinner at her house (our daddies were both out tonight so the mommies decided to get together). Chloe eats all sorts of things that I think are yucky. Ravioli, avocado, salad, tofu... I just don't understand the appeal. Each time I was offered one of these things, I quickly dropped it on the floor so Mommy would think I'd eaten it. Just give me the old standards, banana, cereal bars, bread, crackers, and Cheerios, and I'm a happy man. Mommy did manage to sneak that wierd avocado into my diet by spreading it on my yummy, crusty bread tonight though. How tricky of her!

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