Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Fit and Trim

Increasingly, I've been faced with the problem that I'm often mistaken for a girl. Now maybe it's because of my big blue eyes or my big smile, but Mommy seems to think that it's mostly becuase of my long flowing locks. I've never had my hair trimmed in my life and it's gotten quite long on the sides, coming down to my shoulders. Well, Mommy had had enough of that and decided that I should have my hair trimmed. Initially, she wanted to make a big thing about it and go to a specialist "baby barber". Naturally, this option would have entailed considerable expense, but on the upside, I would have gotten a balloon. Daddy was skeptical of this since he feared that the baby barber would be too zealous in cutting off all my curls. So the compromise was that Mommy would trim my hair a little, which she did yesterday. It's pretty much the same everywhere except on the sides, which are shorter. Since I don't really have a style for my hair (it goes where it goes), this arrangement seemed to work out just fine. I still have my nice curls, but things are not so long and shaggy on the sides. Mommy took me to a park to celebrate and people even guessed that I was a boy. Hooray!

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