Tuesday, August 06, 2002

It's been very busy around here these last several days, so I didn't have time to get my Daddy to help me with my weblog. Happily, things are starting to settle down. First, I've gotten to try several new things. First, I graduated to sleeping in my own room in my crib. No more sleeping in the same room as Mommy and Daddy in the pack and play. I'm a big boy and need my independence. Of course, they have a baby monitor on, so they keep close tabs on me even when I'm out of sight. Second, I had my first attempt at eating solid food. My Mommy put me in my highchair and fed me something called rice cereal. While biting on the spoon was interesting, I don't really know what to do with the stuff that's surrounding the spoon. My Mommy keeps asking me to eat the stuff surrounding the spoon, but it seems so inefficient compared to enjoying a nice bottle. So while I've found this eating stuff an amusing exercise, I"m still a bottle man. Another milestone---I rolled from my front to my back for the first time about three days ago. I might have been assisted by the close proximity of a box (boxes are everywhere!) to enable me to flip over, but still I did it. I have not managed to repeat the feat though. Well, that's about it. I'm enjoying the new house and the nice weather even if it is filled with boxes.

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