Thursday, August 08, 2002


I've learned a new trick, how to be an inchworm. To move forward (a little), I stand on the tips of my feet with my head and arms firmly planted on the ground. Then I push hard with my feet and voila! I move forward a tiny bit. Much like my backwards motion, this way of moving does suffer from the drawback that I cannot see where I am going (since my head is in the ground), but it sure is fun.

Lately I've also been enjoying the sound of my own voice. Yesterday afternoon I stood in my ultrasaucer occasionally looking up at the ceiling fan (these are endlessly fascinating) and had a shriek-fest. I was having a high old time with high pitched squeaks, gurgles, and lots of other sounds. My Mommy would occasionally come in to check that I was okay after hearing these sounds. I was more than okay, I was great!

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