Wednesday, August 14, 2002


My Mommy and Daddy are simply too busy right now, and they're not paying enough attention to me. At first, I thought the unpacking box thing was just a fad that would pass quickly. But here it is, almost two weeks later, and they still seem fascinated with unpacking those darn boxes. Sure, they bring me in the room to watch them unpack, but this is not the kind of high-quality, broadway-style entertainment to which I am accustomed. Even worse, they both spent last night reading the California driver's manual! How could they find this a better passtime than playing with me? It's inconceivable! My Mommy says that she needs to read the book so she can drive in California. Well, she can already drive, and quite well. I've seen it, I've been with her. I'll be glad when all this moving stuff is done and they have more time for me.

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