Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Bumps and Bruises

Yesterday was a hard day for me. See, in recent weeks, I've become much better at sitting up on my own. Still, sometimes I get too excited over a toy or a sound and I forget to keep my balance and topple over. Usually, this is no big deal. Mommy or Daddy puts me back in a sitting position and I get on with my day. Yesterday, though, was not so lucky. Three times yesterday, I had the bad fortune to topple in such a way that I banged my head on the coffee table. This really hurt! After witnessing this, Mommy quickly evicted the nasty old coffee table from the room. Hooray. Unfortunately, I discovered there are other hard things in the room--like the fireplace. Later in the day I toppled over and banged my head on that. Ouch! It's made of brick, so it's even harder than the coffee table. I tried to communicate to Mommy to kick the fireplace out of the room too, but she wouldn't listen to me.

Amazingly though, for all my falls yesterday, I don't have a single bruise.

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