Friday, June 30, 2006


I'm in a swimming class this summer. As you know, I've been pretty reluctant when it comes to swimming (or even getting my head and hair wet in the bathtub). Previously, my view was that I'd learn to swim "when I was a teenager," but I've been trying the Starfish class since Mommy signed me up. I just finished the first of two weeks. I started off slowly. The first day, I didn't get into the pool at all except for dangling my feet in while sitting on the side. I'm a big believer in learning by watching rather than doing. The second day I stayed out until the bell to end class rang-- then I let a teacher carry me into the pool to fetch a toy. The third class, I got into the pool and held onto the wall for a couple minutes and kicked a little while the teacher carried me. The fourth day, various promises of rewards (a treat after swim, a visit to the wading pool) convinced me to get in a bit more and I finally got in and held onto the wall for much of the class. I also kicked a bit, though still wanted by head way out of the water. At home, however, Mommy and I played "blowing out the candle" in the tub (something my instructors did in the pool-- a finger is a candle and I blow it out a bunch of times, the final time with my mouth under water). Mommy hopes this transfers to blowing bubbles at Monday's swim class! I'm still a bit nervous about the whole thing, but I'm making progress.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Aidan! You'll do fine. Your Daddy will tell you that that my own special swimming maneuver is "The Cork."

Anonymous said...

Hi Aidan, I'm very proud of you. Keep up the good work. Love, Auntie Max & Dilly Dally & Flub-a-Dub [Dilly's best friend.]