Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Presents from Daddy

I was delighted to see Daddy once again. He was away for the last couple of weeks in England, and we picked him up at the train station on Friday. Naturally, I was interested in whether he got me any presents from there. I also asked him if he has seen Kipper (a cartoon dog from England). Sadly, Daddy hadn't seen Kipper but did have some stuff for me. First, he pulled out a stuffed Paddington Bear. I liked that he wore boots, which are also my favorite form of footwear. He also had a nice hat as well, but somehow I didn't get really excited about him.

What else did you get?

I asked.

When we finally got home from the train station, Daddy wheeled out his second present---a miniature London Underground train in red white and blue. I sort of liked the train but was dismayed that the doors did not open. Apparently, they're not supposed to open on this model although, as I pointed out to Daddy, in a real Metro train the doors do, in fact, open.

What else did you get?

I asked.

For the last gift, Daddy brought out a big handful of English money. I really like money. There was a fat gold one pound coin, some hexagon shaped 20p coins, a large 10p coin, some teeny-tiny 5ps, some pennies, and my favorite coin---a big copper 2p (tuppence) coin. Now this I really enjoyed. I liked the pictures of the queen on the front of each coin as well as the many shapes and sizes. We've been playing lots of coin games these last several days. I invented a game where you have to toss the coins into some paperboard containers that held wine. If you do this successfully you win...what else...but money! I would have hot wheels car races where the winner would get money. We played Deal or No Deal with a prize of money. We played poker for, what else, money. Money is a great present.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Aidan,

I'm glad to see that you are being instilled with the proper values.

Actually, Paddington Bear is quite cute! Though we once tried a book about him, and your Daddy and your Uncle Dave found it incredibly boring.

And the train car sounds very nice too!

I hope the panda has arrived bt now.
