Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My First Real Movie

This past weekend, I went to see my first movie. (Actually, this isn't quite right. I went to see the movie "The Good Girl" starring Jennifer Aniston when I was an infant. I don't remember this however.)

My first real movie was Cars. I had fallen in love with many of the characters in Cars from having seen them in Target and McDonald's. In fact, I own die cast versions of Lightning McQueen, the main character in the movie, and Fillmore, a green tie-dyed Volkswagen Microbus (who is also my favorite character). I've got plastic versions of the tow truck, Mater, and the Porsche, Sally.

Anyway, we went to the theater, got popcorn and lemonade, and proceeded to watch the movie. I was a bit scared by some of the previews but once the movier got started, I really liked it. One rule of movies that is really hard for me to follow is that you're not supposed to talk while the film is going on. This is really tough since I like to comment about everything that I'm seeing---not just what's going on on screen, but also the lighting, the seats, and so on. After about five minutes into the movie, I asked, "Is the movie almost over?" The answer, happily, was that it was not. Anyway, I enjoyed watching the movie a lot.

When it was over, I asked, "When can we go see that movie again?" Hearing that we wouldn't be seeing it again soon, I offered a compromise, "Are there any other movies that are not scary playing in the theater?" Sadly, there aren't too many movies that are not at all scary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember not liking the M-G-M lion when I was about your age, Aidan!
