Friday, June 09, 2006


This weekend and early this week we went vehicle shopping. We ended up buying a new Toyota Camry XLE in a nice bright red color. One thing I worry about is that my friends won't recognize me since I won't be in the green car. In fact, I was a little sad and teary when we were leaving the green car to drive away in our new red car.

Now you might think that going to car dealerships wouldn't be that fun, but it actually is. The Toyota dealership has a big popcorn machine, which is great (all the popcorn you can eat--yippee!) They also have a TV with Winnie the Pooh videos and a number of toys. In addition, I like to get into lots of different kinds of vehicles to see what they're like. Sometimes while Mommy was shopping, Daddy and I would get into vehicles and I'd sit at the wheel and take us both for a drive. I like to pretend that the GPS system is giving us directions. I'll say in a high-pitched voice:

In three miles, turn right.

Then I'd pull hard to the right on the steering wheel. The next direction was to go left in one mile, so I'd pull to the left, and so on. I also liked to comment on how hard or soft the seats of the vehicles are. In the first vehicle we went in, a Nissan Altima, I climbed into the back while Mommy and the salesman sat in front and commented loudly,

These seats aren't comfortable at all. And look, I see a hole in the seat!

It was true, there really was a hole in the seat. The salesman did not seem pleased at my commentary. Needless to say, we didn't buy that car. Other cars were much better.

By the way, here's my favorite vehicle---a bright yellow Toyota FJ Cruiser. It's big and yellow and has lots of yellow panels inside as well. Daddy thought it was awful, but I told him I was going to get one when I was old enough to drive.

When it finally came to say goodbye to the car guys, I gave a high five to the salesman and quipped,

Bye. See you next time we need a new car.

Music to the salesman's ears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the new car and ride in it!
