Friday, June 25, 2004

Quesadillas! Mmmmm

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Yesterday, we all went out to Chevy's for a celebratory "hard food" dinner prior to Daddy's getting his wisdom teeth out. Daddy was enjoying lots of tortilla chips and the Taste of Napa Quesadilla. I myself strongly endorse the plain quesadillas, which I enjoyed immensely. Even apart from the quesadillas, my kiddie quesadilla meal comes with an ice cream cone. I was really enjoying my ice cream cone a lot. However, I still don't have the hang of gravity and food. I dropped the ice cream out of the cone onto my lap a couple of times, and eventually I dropped the cone as well. I was dismayed since the cone is the best part. "Cone dirty, Sad Aidan," I said.

 Posted by HelloBy the way, Mommy has been trying to work with me on some of my opposites. The main one I have trouble with is the opposite of "dirty," which I often call "dry." As you must know, in addition to meaning "not wet," "dry" is a synonym for "clean." Thus, once a dirty thing is cleaned, then it is "all dry." Mommy says that sometimes things can be both dirty and dry or clean and wet at the same time. How confusing! (Mommy also says that she has herself to blame for this confusion, since she has told me when it is time to put on a "clean, dry diaper" for as long as she (and I) can remember.)

For the record, "Nannie coming soon."

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