Monday, June 14, 2004

Elephant Time

With Mommy still hobbling with her hurt foot, Daddy and I went off to the zoo on Saturday. Now, when Mommy takes me to the zoo, we always bring a stroller in case I get tired and myriad goodies in case I get hungry. Daddy has a more minimalist approach to traveling with me. No stroller and only 3 cheese sticks, some veggie crackers, and some water to keep me happy. While I could do with traveling in more luxury, Daddy's approach does have its benefits--notably I get to go where I want to go in the zoo. Daddy ticked off the names of some of the animals in the zoo and then I decided which I wanted to visit and in what order. My ordering of the animals did not exactly coincide with the way the zoo people had placed them, so there was a lot of back and forth walking and climbing up and down hills. Still, I liked the freedom to choose what I wanted to see and in what order.

We finally came to the elephants, who are at the top of a big hill, and so I decided it was time to take a picnic break. We sat right next to the elephants and Daddy opened a cheese stick for me and got out my water. I only wanted a little help in opening the cheese stick since I like to do it myself. I quickly ate all three cheese sticks and a bunch of crackers. The elephants were eating leaves from a tree. I offered the elephants a nearby wood chip to nibble on, but they didn't seem interested.

Next, we visited the rides section of the zoo. I got to ride the cars (one of my favorites) and chose the orange car and the fire engine for my two rides there. Next, we got on the merry-go-round. Initially, I wanted to sit on the bench to go round and round, but after that first ride, I decided that I really preferred the up and down action of the tiger. We rode the tiger three times! Here's a photo album with a picture of me on the tiger wearing my hat and sunglasses (most guys my age eschew sunglasses). Daddy took this picture with his new cell phone, which we both like quite a bit better than his old one.

Riding the Tiger Posted by Hello

Here's a link to Daddy's cellphone photo album.

By the end of our time in the zoo, I was quite tired. I went to sleep almost as soon as I got in the car. What a fun day.

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