Friday, January 10, 2003

Yet More Words

I'm making great progress in making words. Yesterday, my Daddy was reading me a book that had lots of pictures of animals on it. (Actually, he didn't seem to be reading the words in the book at all. He was just pointing to the animals and saying their names over and over.) Anyway, he came to one of my favorite animals, a cat. Now I've never seen a live cat, but they sure are nice in books. [Note: the previous sentence seems to be a hallucination by my Daddy, who helps me write this. I have seen and enjoyed many cates live and in the flesh.] After he said cat about a zillion times, he paused...and I said..."caaaaaat." I'm always careful to pronounce the "t" at the end. He was stunned. He tried again. Another zillion cats, to which I replied "caaaat".

But this was not my only feat of vobabulary valor. Later that morning my Mommy was showing me flashcards of various fruits that I might like to eat---apple, pear, orange, banana. She would say the names of the fruits while holding up the card. After a couple of rounds of this, I snatched the banana card from her and said, "banana". Now this is a big, hard word for such a little guy as me, but I said it. Daddy was in the room when I did, so I have a witness.

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