Monday, January 13, 2003

Happy Birthday...again

Yesterday I took my parents to a group one-year-old birthday party held by one of the social groups to which I belong. My Mommy was in chrge of baking cupcakes for all the babies and all the Mommies and Daddies at the party. She baked a LOT of cupcakes. I had a great time at the party since there were lots of wheeled vehicles to push around. A plastic motorcycle that I could sit on took my fancy. While I sat on it for a while as my Daddy pushed me around, I preferred to ride the toy dismounted, pushing it around the house as kind of a portable support for my walking. As usual, everyone thought I was cute an adorable.

After a time, my Mommy put a bunch of candles on the cupcakes and all the Mommies and Daddies sang happy birthday to us. I tried to blow out the candles on the cupcakes, but didn't quite get what I was supposed to do. After that, we all had cupcakes and ice cream. Except that a lot of the other people opted out---while Mommy had carefully ensured that everyone would have a cupcake, at party's end there were still LOTS of cupcakes left. Mommy did not seem too happy about that.

We were so busy later in the day that I still haven't had MY cupcake. Maybe tonight.

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