Wednesday, January 08, 2003

My Checkup

I got to do one of my least favorite things yesterday---go to the doctor. He weighed and measured me. My Mommy thinks my statistics are funny in this regard: I'm in the 10th percentile in height, the 50th in weight, and the 97th (!!) in head size. Were it not for my massive head, I'd be even shorter I suppose. The doctor then expressed disapproval at Mommy and I for not eating more solid foods. (Actually, Mommy is pretty good at eating solid food, I'm not.) Now for the torturous part. I had a whole bunch of shots and had blood drawn. This was bad enough, but then I learned that I had to go to another lab to have *more* blood drawn.

Mommy drove me to the next lab, but, because I'm such a wriggly guy, they couldn't to the tests because there was only one attendant on duty. (It takes at least three people to hold me down because of my strength and agility.) so it was off to another lab and more unpleasantness. With all the blood they took from me today, I'm surprised I have any left.

Anyway, on the way home a woman in a big SUV rammed into the back of our vehicle. Since I sit facing rear, I saw the SUV close in. Everyone was scared and on edge, but it doesn't look like much harm was done.

What a day.

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