Saturday, April 12, 2003


After my enjoyment in driving in the little car belonging to my Miami cousins, Mommy ordered me my own car. It came yesterday and Daddy built it. It's a sporty one-seater with its own door, keys to the ignition, and other great features. Daddy built it for me and let me take it for a test drive last evening. It was great! I loved being in it, but I haven't quite figured out how to make it run well. When Daddy would push me around in it, I liked to use the "brakes" by putting my feet on the ground and stopping the vehicle. When given a chance to drive it myself, I seemed to only be able to push it so that it went in a backward direction. This was fun, but not as satisfying as going forwards. Perhaps it needs a new transmission. If you're interested, the make and model can be found here. As usual, Mommy figured out some way to get it for an even better price than this though.

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