Friday, April 25, 2003

A Fall

Well, it happened- and sooner rather than later. I was climbing up on the couch to sit next to Mommy this morning and fell backward and banged my head hard on the coffee table. It happened so fast that Mommy couldn't catch me in time even though she was right next to me. It really hurt. It hurt so much that I actually sat still and let mommy put a bag of frozen carrots on my head for a while. (With lesser bumps, I just try to eat the ice or walk away with it.) I have been acting normally since my accident though, so I think that I'll be fine. (The coffee table only reappeared about 2 weeks ago. It had been stored in the garage for months since it was the cause of many injuries once I started crawling. It may have to disappear again due to my climbing.)

My Mommy's Lap is Just for Me!

In other news, I went to Music Together today and then went to lunch with 2 other Mommies and their babies. We made quite a mess ar Nordstrom's Cafe! After lunch, we retired to the Mother's Room for diaper changes and a bit of walking/crawling around. The two other babies, Sam (10 mths.) and Joey (12 months), were very friendly with mommy-- a bit too friendly in my opinion. Each boy invaded my mommy territory at a different time-- daring to climb onto her lap and look deeply into her eyes. Sam even kissed her on the chin! These incursions made me quite upset. I cried and made it quite clear that my mommy's lap is only for me. I am happy that I was able to repel the invaders from my mommy's lap.

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