Saturday, April 05, 2003

Play Date

I had an impromptu play date today. Many months ago, my Daddy and I met a Mommy named Selena and her daughter Athena while stroll(er)ing through a nearby park. They don't live too far away from us, just a short walk. Anyway, we were strollering around again today when we ran across them in their front yard. They invited us in to visit Athena's play area, which they recently added to their house (Daddy seemed to be calculating whether we could do something similar). Athena has many interesting toys including one where you put balls labeled A through D into some holes in a toy. The balls then "run" down a series of ramps leading to the bottom of the toy, kind of like the toy at my Nainnie's house. While I never really got the hang of that toy at Christmas, I finally understood it here. I had a very nice time with Athena. Daddy had a glass of green tea with Athena's Mommy (Athena and family are Chinese).

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