Monday, April 28, 2003


My Daddy was mostly in charge of me this weekend as Mommy was not feeling all that well. That can only mean one thing---lots and lots of outdoor play. Mommy was mildly complaining that after eash of my expeditions with Daddy, I always come home smelling like a dirty, sweaty little boy. Oh, but it's worth it. On Saturday, I got to meet lots and lots of dogs. Some dogs run really fast while others move slower. I like all dogs, and I'm getting better at figuring out how to pet them gently. I think their tails are interesting too. I like to chase back and forth after a wagging tail. I wonder why I don't have a tail?

I also got to play with a bunch of rounded rocks which were near the dogs. Rocks are almost as fun as dogs. You can bang them together and make a satisfying noise. You can move them into separate piles and then rearrange them back into a larger pile. They also have nice heft for short throws. Rocks are good too.

When I came home, Mommy insisted that Daddy and I have a bath. Baths are good too.

On Sunday, my Daddy took me to a big park where I could run around. I liked riding on the horsey with springs under him. I also liked climbing up the play equipment. My climbing skills are increasing by leaps and bounds. I managed to get myself up to the top of the play structure and then slid down the sliding board. Wheee. This park also has many steps, which I enjoyed exploring. I find that crawling is the best way to get up and down steps. To get up steps, I face my body toward the top and crawl. Th get down, I do the same thing but in reverse. I still face my body toward the top of the steps and then crawl backwards to get down. I like the symmetry of my solution. I found many lovely sticks to pick up and give to Daddy as presents in the park. I also encountered many interesting trees. With my newfound mobility, I can walk right up to the trunk of a tree and bang on it to let the tree know that I'm visiting.

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