Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Mommy recently pulled up a sheet from to see how my development is going. Mostly, I'm right on track, but in one area, I'm way ahead of schedule. It turns out that throwing stuff overhand is a skill that typically only comes for children aged 18 months and up. But for me, it's come much earlier. I can throw overhand---using either hand---right now, at only 15 months. I've made lots of other strides as well. Whereas before, if I wanted to get somewhere quickly, I'd crawl there; now I frequently walk instead. It's true that crawling is still a good way to get around, particularly if I'm planning to pick stuff up off the ground, but walking is good too. Daddy is trying to teach me how to run a little bit. He takes me by the hand and we try to walk hurriedly from one end of the room to another, all the while saying "run, run, run". This is really fun although sometimes I find that my legs don't quite go where I want them to and I end up falling down. Still, I can definitely tell that I'm getting better at it.

I went to see some of my play friends today and we had lunch together. Mommy made me one of my favorites, a grilled cheese sandwich cut into easy-grip strips. Some of the other children ate only organic stuff and one of the other Mommies seemed to think that grilled cheese was no good. She's crazy. I tried to offer some of my grilled cheese to the others (I like to share). At the end, my Mommy decided that she wanted to blend in better, so she bought us a big jug of Odwalla carrot juice. We also have healthy, vitamin-packed Odwalla bars of various varieties. Elsewhere on the food front, I've discovered a new delicacy that I really like. Mommy and Daddy were having Japanese food earlier in the week and it came with Miso soup. This is a soup made mostly from soy and tofu with some spices. Mommy gave me some to try, and I loved it. I ended up eating a good portion of miso. I hope she gets this again soon. At this point in my life, I'm pretty much a vegetarian. Mommy tries to give me meat occasionally, but I'm not really interested. Mostly I love carbohydrates.

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