Monday, April 21, 2003

Easter Egg Hunt

I went to my first Easter egg hunt yesterday. Mommy and Daddy took me to a church in Oakland with them. It was a big Presbyterian church with lots of interesting lights. I also really enjoyed the music too. They had a brass quartet and a giant pipe organ and played several really good songs. When one of the songs ended, I found myself still signing along to it. For most of the time, I was happy to stand in the pew and lokk around though my patience wore thin towards the end. Mommy kept me plied with raisins and bagels for much of the time.

After church, there was a big Easter egg hunt. While many of the other kids tried to grab as many of the eggs as they could and would eat the candy inside, I preferred to receive only two eggs (one for each hand) and found that the candy was much more enjoyable for the shaking noise it makes in the egg than for eating. Mommy repeated the Easter egg hunt at home (where I faced no competition from other children). She also replaced the candy with equally shakable goldfish crackers inside the eggs. Unfortunately, they were yucky parmesan cheese goldfish instead of the cheddar ones I like. I tasted a few and did not like them. When I don't like something, I find it best to spit it out. We had a nice Easter but I was really tired from all the running around. I went to bed at 7:15 (way early for me) and didn't get up until around 8 the following morning.

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