Friday, February 01, 2002

Signs and seasons

Another day filled with firsts for me. This was my first full day living with my parents. So far, everything seems to be going well. I still get along with them and they seem deliriously happy to have me around. It was also my first trip outside in daylight. I got to soak up the California sunshine in my Mommy's arms on the porch. One thing I noticed immediately, the sun is bright. I mostly kept my eyes shut while outside.

I also started more actively participating in my own feeding. During my 8pm bottle, I decided to take matters into my own hands -- literally -- I grabbed the bottle as it was in my mouth and used my own hands to keep it in a good position for me. This was a great achievement.

Looking over my Daddy reading the paper this morning, I noticed something called a horoscope. While my parents assure me this is all pseudoscience, I did take a few moments to look up my horoscope based on my birthdate and location. Here's what came up:

FREE Astro Profile
Name: Aidan
Date of Birth: December 30, 2001
Time of Birth: 03:52 PM
Birth Place: Stanford, Santa Clara, California, United States

Sun Sign: Capricorn
Practical Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, represents discipline, ambition, and rationality, making you the most determined and persistent sign of the zodiac, Aidan. Since you have such an unshakable faith in your own power, you have an extreme capacity for hard work and endurance.

Saturn, the planet of challenges and restrictions, is the ruler of Capricorn. Saturn is sometimes associated with bad luck; however, without the obstacles of Saturn we would never grow and evolve any further, which makes this planet the one that makes us tough, because it teaches us to develop patience and staying power.

Aidan, Capricorn is the third earth sign, which means you know that you can't live on inspiration alone, and therefore, you have become a down-to-earth realist, and are willing to take care of the daily chores. For that reason, stability and consistency are very important to you.

You, Capricorn, rule the tenth house of the horoscope, a sector associated with career, social standing, and personal aspirations. Furthermore, this house describes your ambitions and goals in life, as well as your public image and your reputation in your social circles.

Capricorn is a cardinal sign, meaning that you don't wait for others to take action - you charge right in making full use of your qualities of pragmatism, efficiency, and diligence.

You have many strengths, dear Capricorn, because with diligence and patience you work to reach the high goals you have set for yourself. Your calm, diplomatic, and pragmatic approach is admirable. On top of that, once you commit to something, you feel responsible and accountable for what you do, which makes you such a trustworthy and loyal person.

However, you have also weaknesses, Aidan. Sometimes, you can get very pessimistic and skeptical. You don't always have the flexibility to make a quick change in plans if something doesn't work. You are also known for being calculating and despotic at times, as well as cold and indifferent.

Rising Sign: Gemini
You are an original and creative thinker, Gemini Rising, and tend to dominate your circles intellectually. With the elegance of a dancer, you swing back and forth from one idea to another, with wit and eloquence. You also have the power to visualize your ideas, and express them scientifically. Since you identify yourself with your ideas, Aidan, your most dynamic form of expression is intellectual.

You are sprightly and versatile, and usually end up being the life of every party. Mostly it is you, who gets up on the table and entertains everyone with an improvised one-man show. You feel most alive if you have an audience, are the center of attention, and get an immediate reaction to your mental and verbal output.

If people don't laugh at your jokes, you lose your precious lively energy. In spite of your bubbly and cheerful personality, you can be quite sensitive, Aidan, and it doesn't take a lot to upset you. However, for others, it would take a great deal of perceptiveness and persistence to get down to your real feelings. It seems that you are perpetually wearing a mask hiding who you really are. Only in rare cases others are allowed to see the real you behind the mask, and that means a lot!

You don't open your heart to others easily, and if you happen to declare your love to someone, you might make a joke out of it, or switch the subject as soon as possible. You are a very cultivated person, Aidan, who has a lot of appreciation for beauty. Therefore, you enjoy developing your sensitivity in artistic domains. You could easily be a patron of the arts, a producer or an artist, a singer or a comedian, since you are such a cerebral person.


This all sounds pretty good. It also take a lot of the guesswork out of having my parents figure out what my personality is going to be like. In my wanderings, I found a site that features horoscopes for star baseball players. Maybe one day I'll be sufficiently famous to merit such treatment.

Another first -- I got to meet Licorice, my parents guinea pig. Here is a collection of interesting guinea pig stuff I found on the web. Licorice seems very nice. She and I sometimes make similar noises, though I can be much louder than her when I want to be.

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