Monday, February 18, 2002

Rainy Days and Mondays

It was a dreary weekend weather-wise. Most of both days it was either raining or threatening to rain, and this made it difficult for me to get out too much. I did manage a couple of walks though. One was a nighttime walk on Saturday. This required that I get more bundled up than I ever have been in my life. My Mommy does not want me to feel the chill air, so many layers of clothing were stacked on me. My Daddy dressed in a couple of layers too but complained of being hot as the walk progressed. Night is quite interesting – for one thing, the sky is dark and there are little white dots in the sky that sort of shine. I also saw a sliver of white off in the distance – the sliver of the moon heading to its new moon phase. This was the first time that I had seen the moon. Goodnight moon.

During the next day, my Mommy went out on errands so my Daddy was left to watch me. This went well until he decided to try to give me a bath. While I didn’t disagree that a bath would be a good idea, my Daddy’s bathing skills leave much to be desired. He could only find one towel and he neglected to remove my socks when he put me in my baby tub. I let him know in no uncertain terms that this is simply not the way things are to be done as far as bathing me.

“Waaaaaaah,” I let loose my most blood-curdling banshee scream.

This resulted in an abrupt end to the bath and a quick retreat to what was initially a comfy towel—though growing less comfy by the minute owing to my drying off in it. Later that afternoon, he had a new idea, if I won’t come to the bath, let the bath come to me. More precisely, we went for a walk and during the last bit of it water – bath water – started falling from the sky. While I didn’t get very clean from this sky water, I did enjoy the smells of humidity and moist soil and the sound of the sky water falling on the leaves of the trees and bushes. I saw a very damp jay huddling unsuccessfully under a bush. I myself was mostly dry thanks to my Daddy’s huddling over me as a human umbrella and thanks to my many layers of clothing.

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