Monday, February 25, 2002

It's been awhile since I posted to the blog. Mostly, this was due to my Daddy's being out of town and the difficulties I have working the keyboard alone. Well, he's back to help, so I'm back online. First, a little business. My good friends at Yahoo managed to screw up my web settings in making an "improvement" to geocities. As a result, my guestbook was completely wiped out. Feel free to put in new entries so it doesn't look so bare.

While my Daddy was away, I continue to just coast along smoothly through life. My Mommy has hit upon a new and improved night feeding schedule. This entails making sure that leading up to the wee hours, I have a surfeit of food. Fortified with many ccs of food, I am able to go up to five happy hours through the night without waking. This seems to work well for both of us.

Over the weekend, I went on a couple of walks. One was to the Arastradero nature preserve. Here I saw several people riding on horsies. I even got to pet one of the horsies. I also saw a northern harrier. This was pretty amazing. We were walking through the woods when up above us we heard a whirring of wings and then straight along the path in front of us this bird came swooping down low. We had to duck to get out of the way.

I also saw my first Monarch Butterfly. My Mommy claims that I am overstating the number of things I "see" in that I spend most of the time on my walks by sleeping. It is pretty hard to see when your eyes are closed. In any event, the monarch was a genuine sighting. I was awake and my daddy positioned my face about 6 inches from the butterfly, which has landed on a yellow flower. I liked the butterfly --it was very pretty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah... really like this style :)