Monday, February 04, 2002

Remington Steele -- er -- Fong

Today I had my first trip to visit my pediatrician, Remington Fong. Doctor Fong is an incredibly nice person and, unlike most doctors, relatively on time in his schedule. He gave me a clean bill of health. I continue to grow and gain weight. I'm now 19.75 inches long and weigh 7 pounds 12 ounces. Both are up significantly since my previous weigh-in last Friday. He also did a preemie adjusted correction for my height and weight percentiles. Weight wise, I am quite brawny coming in at the 75th percentile. I'm of average height coming in at the 50th percentile. My father was disappointed by the height news since he wants me to grow up to be Shaq. If you don't adjust, I'm still a pretty tiny guy for a one month old -- I'm at the 10th percentile in weight and the 5th percentile in height unadjusted.

I would imagine Doctor Fong took a lot of kidding in his childhood. After all, the only other Remington I've heard of is the fictional TV detective played by Pierce Brosnan, Remington Steele.

I got to watch my first major sporting event yesterday -- a tremendous Super Bowl matchup between the Rams and the Patriots. Seems only fitting in a season where the American flag is displayed so prominently around the country that the Patriots should pull off the stunning upset. I was riveted through the whole game.

On Sunday, I did my best Bellagio impression to date. Circumcision seems to improve the force and variety of the water ballet I'm capable of. If only I had a nice musical accompaniment.

So far, I'm a night owl. I like to stay up late and eat much more after dark than during the day. Happily, my parents also love this lifestyle too!

I've posted a new batch of photos on my website. They are under the February 2002 folder and are exceptionally cute, if I do say so myself. Some of you have asked about hard copies of my greatest hits. Well, my good friends at Yahoo will sell them to you if you click "Buy Photo" when viewing a picture that you like. To do this, however, you have to sign up for a Yahoo account which will then let you buy photos effortlessly (but not costlessly).

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