Much like real travel, the Little People face many hassles when they want to go on a trip. This morning, Daddy and I played Little People go to Pennsylvania. The first key difficulty for the Little People is that their family, which consists of Mommy, Daddy, Maggie, Sarah Lynn, the twins---Eddie and Eddie, and a baby, have no car that is big enough to fit them all. As a result, they had to walk to the airport. This made them tired. Then they had to go through the security line. Unlike (or maybe not) real security lines, this security line made the Little People take off nearly all of their clothes. Then there was a big mixup as to whose clothes belonged to whom.
Finally, they made it to the gate. Things were going well until the Little People discovered that the plane only had two seats. The family would have to go on their trip with the plane shuttling back and forth to pick people up. I helped to figure out the flight arrangements. On the first trip, the baby flew on the plane alone with a stranger (Farmer Jed) and then wait in the terminal in Pennsylvania for the others to arrive. Next Maggie and Sarah Lynn (two unescorted minors) got to fly. Next, Mommy and Daddy got to fly together. They commented on how peaceful the flight was without all those kids. Finally, the twins, Eddie and Eddie, got to make the flight. When all arrived at Pennsylvania, there were still no cars big enough to fit, so the family had to walk. Traveling is tough in Little People land.
Hmm. I wrote an amusing comment, and it didn't show up.
What did it say?
It said something about the Little Guys, being ancestors of the Little People and not having specific names. Just being know as the Pothead Guys (from their ditinctive headgear), the Green Aidans, etc., etc.
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