Monday, April 10, 2006


We finally had a break in the endless rains on Saturday. Since it's already April, it was time to get our garden kicked into gear. We went to one of my favorite stores, Yardbirds, and quickly picked up a whole bunch of bags of planting mix and soil amendments. Actually, Daddy picked u these bags. I tried to pick one up and soon decided that trying to haul a bag is about equal to my wieght (40 pounds) was a bit too much to ask even for strong Aidan. After that, we got down to the really fun part--picking out what to plant. This year's selection includes, of course, several different kinds of tomatoes, a whole bunch of lettuce, some celery, and some watermelon.

After we got home, we added all the amendments to the garden and put the potting mix in our big tomato pots. Daddy used a shovel to turn the soil and the amendments together. I used my hands to scoop the stuff out and mix with the garden. It really seemed to improve the consistency of the soil from the clay that it usually is. Next, we planted all the plants. Daddy made small holes where the plants go and I put each plant in very carefully. I love gardening.

The next day, we picked up some seeds to plant as well. These included carrots, pumpkins, broccoli, and, my favorite, sunflowers. I put in the seeds all by myself. I can't wait for them to come up. I think our garden looks really nice. Last night we had some rain so all the plants got a nice drink. I hope they grow big.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can do a little planting when you and your Mommy come here in May, Aidan.
