Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

Easter is one of the best holidays. For one thing, it involves lots of...chocolate. But it also involves lots of other good stuff including decorating and eating eggs, searching for eggs in Easter Egg Hunts, and meeting the Easter Bunny. I was very excited, so I got up extra early for Easter--620 in the morning. Daddy persuaded me that Mommy would not enjoy getting up so early so I went back to sleep for a bit.

I quickly went on a "patrol" around the house in search of Easter baskets and found one in the sunken room. It had lots of great stuff in it. Stuffed animals, chocolate, Hot Wheels cars, and some really neat "pills." If you put these pills in water, they dissolve and turn into sponges in interesting shapes like boats and cars.

I got dressed for church and, as a special treat for Mommy, I wore a button shirt and a cute sweater as opposed to my usual preference for "soft" clothes. Everyone thought I was very cute in church, especially the minister. As we were leaving the church, I held out my hand to her to shake and said a merry Happy Easter.

We then did a big photo shoot. You can find the highlights here.

Happy Easter everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter, Aidan! You look adorable. I enjoyed seeing all of your pictures.
