Monday, April 03, 2006

On the Road- Deal or No Deal, etc.

Deal or No Deal may be the best game ever. We played it a lot during my trip to Florida. Everyone seems to like this game. When we were in Orlando, Emma played this game where we used the Little People as the "models." She has lots of Little People that are different from the ones I have. I was especially intrigued by some of the Little People from the manger set. One Sonya Lee character, who was dressed as a wise man, had a funny hat. It reminded me of Nainnie "potlid" character, so I referred to her as "Potlid Sonya Lee".

Newborn cousin Evan did not play the game, but I'm sure he will when he gets older. Right now, he sleeps, eats, and sucks his "plug" (pacifier) a lot. People seem to really like to carry him around since he can't move around much by himself yet-- although I did see him roll onto his side by himself. He seems nice. When he gets bigger, maybe he can build couch forts and play with Emma and me.

Daddy and I also played with lots of different kinds of cards and lots of players in Miami. In one game, my cousin Libby (also known as "The Mighty Libby") was the host, I was the banker (borrowing Daddy's cell phone to call the host), while cousin Matthew was the contestant. I love Deal or No Deal.

I also love building sand furniture. Cousin Meryl intiated this on the beach at Key Biscayne, and we soon had a cluster of 6 sand chairs, all complete with sand cup holders and sand iPods! Matthew's remote control boat was also tons of fun to power around the pool.

I was sad to leave all my Florida cousins. I hope I see them again soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time in Florida, getting re-aquainted with your cousins and meeting your newest cousin!