Thursday, April 27, 2006

More Stuffed Animal Fun

As you know, sutffed animal fun is the name I give to little plays and performances by my stuffed animals. While Daddy's initial version of this game involved creating plays like "The Three Tigers" and "Nordy and the Beanstalk", it has changed over time. One big change is that I'm taking charge of the adventures rather than letting Daddy or Mommy come up with them. The stuffed animals do all sorts of things but usually these involve some traveling. In one story, the stuffed animals (and Aidan) went to a Wiggles concert. Amazingly, Aidan drove the car to the show. When they arrived there, the Wiggles invited them onto the stage to sing and dance with them. The stuffed animals thought this was fantastic.

Other times, the stuffed animal stories are about more prosaic situations. For instance, in one story, Mommy Duck was trying to get Baby Duck ready to go on a trip. Baby duck, however, didn't want to do anything. He refused to take off his jammies, put on his shoes, or anything. Mommy duck kept encouraging baby duck to try. Somehow, this story reminds me of some things that happen in my own life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun, Sweetie. More stufed animals waiting to be pressed into service when you come to visit!