Saturday, September 21, 2002

Picture Time

My Daddy thought you might like to see some pictures of me crawling around in my backyard. Daddy always puts out a big blanket for me to crawl on. For a while, I was happy to stay on the blanket, but no more. I want to explore everywhere! As a special treat, Daddy finally figured out how to set the camera to take pictures at the highest possible resolution. This is great if you want to make giant poster-sized prints of me (and why wouldn't you). The downside is that Daddy always grouses about the ridiculous amount of time it takes to upload these photos. You can find the pictures here as well as on my website under the album "Aidan Crawling in the Backyard." Enjoy!

Here's another little tidbit for you. Daddy is transcribing the latest two hour video of me and my exploits. My grandmothers (and maybe some others) can expect this in the mail soon. Everyone else will have to bug them to see a copy.

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