Monday, September 16, 2002

A Hard Day's Night

Last night was one of my unhappiest nights in a long while. After my Mommy and Daddy took me to the kidsfaire all during the day, I somehow ended up not wanting to eat very much. Now, when there's a lot of activity and I'm outside on a bright and sunny day, not eating is not unusual for me. Typically, though, I recover my appetite in the evening. Well, this particular evening, I still wasn't hungry. I've got a cold and the stuffiness and the little cough have me out of sorts, which may account for some of this.

In addition to not eating, I was not in the mood to go to bed. Eventually, I got t sleep but was up at 1am. By this time, I was hungry. I then went back to sleep, but I was up again at 4am, tired and irritable. My parents thought I was hungry again, but they were wrong. I was just feeling grumpy and miserable from the combination of my cold, my new teeth coming in, and generally being sleep deprived. I finally fell asleep in my swing at 5am.

This morning I'm in much better spirits. Oddly, my Daddy is at home taking care of me today. Mommy is taking what Daddy calls a "mental health day." It's hard to believe that there could be anything more fun than spending time with me and taking care of me 24/7, but apparently even Mommy needs a change every once in awhile. Hanging out with Daddy is lots of fun. He likes to bounce and toss me around much more than Mommy does. He also seems more willing to indulge my curiosity. Mommy says that he indulges my curiosity too much. She doesn't want to see anything happen to me, and she's more cautious than Daddy is. The other fun thing about Daddy is that he loves to take me outside to play. This morning I was exploring around outside and I discovered a nice rock. I was about to taste it to see what it was like, but Daddy took the rock away from me. I thought that was mean and cried a little. The backyard is a big place with lots of room to explore.

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