Tuesday, September 03, 2002

More Visitors

My grandmother Timek is here visiting me. We all went to get her at the airport on Sunday and she sat in back with me during the ride back. I immediately recognized her when she started to greet me with her trademark phrase: "And...the...dish ran away with the spoon." After she did this several times, I was giggling uncontrollably. She would also ask me the same question over and over again. "What? ...What? ...What?" each time more insistent. This is, if anything, even funnier than the dish running away with the spoon.

Yesterday, we celebrated Labor Day in the backyard. Since my Mommy was in labor in the process of my being born, this is one of the most important holidays for me. Since it was a hot day, Daddy filled up the pool and we all splashed around inside it. Then I got to hang around on a towel for the remainder of the afternoon. During dinner, I was in for a special treat---open air swinging. My Mommy got out my big swing and set it oon the patio so I could swing happily while everyone ate.

I've lately discovered the joys of my "Air Gym" a toy my Nain gave to me. When I first got it I was about three months old and it was really scary. Since that time, I've become braver and now I delight in it. It plays songs and has a ball inside a tube that goes round and round. I was so hypnotized by it that I fell asleep with my head on one of the buttons, so my parents did not realize that I had stopped "playing."

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