Friday, September 06, 2002

More toys

Lately, it seems that nearly every day is Christmas for me. Happily my Mommy and my Mommy's Mommy share the same taste as me for how to spend their days. I like to go to Gymboree, they like to go to Gymboree. I like to go to Baby Gap, they like to go to Baby Gap. I like getting lots of gifts and new outfits every day, they like to give me lots of outfits and gifts.

Yesterday, a big box and a little box from a place called arrived yesterday. The little box had only boring stuff in it (a wireless router for my Daddy), but the big box had lots more great stuff for me in it. I am now the proud owner of super-deluxe stacking cups---the kind that even make electronic noises when I successfully stack them. I think the box contained other goodies for me, but Mommy says I have to wait until I'm older to get them. I'll be older tomorrow, so maybe I'll get them then. My Daddy says that if you put together the number of toys and outfits I have, it exceeds the number of cells I have. Happily, I'm growing lots of new cells every day.

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