Monday, October 31, 2005

The Autumn Leaves

We are learning about the autumn in my school these days. At "circle time" last week, we talked about all the signs of fall---the leaves turning colors on the trees, the days getting a bit colder, and so on. One of my teachers asked why the leaves fall off the trees. After getting a few answers, I raised my hand to offer my take. She finally called on me.

"Why do the leaves fall off the trees Aidan?" she asked.


I announced proudly.

The other kids looked quite puzzled, but the teacher agreed this was a good answer. Daddy was especially proud to hear of my terrific scientific answer.

In other news, since Daddy has had a cold lately, we've been sorting out the germ theory of disease. Viruses and bacteria are quite interesting. Sometimes I like to pretend to be a germ myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very perceptive, Aidan!
