Wednesday, September 07, 2005

First Week at Garden School

Today was my first day going to preschool without Mommy. I liked it. My preschool is Garden Montessori School, and my teachers are Troy and Carolyn (both are ladies). There is a tank of fish and two birdies (which Mommy tells me are finches).

Yesterday, Mommy and I visited my preschool for a while and found lots of interesting things to do. The first thing I chose was an activity with white plastic hard boiled eggs floating in purple water in the Practical Life area. I used tongs to pick them up out of the water, put them in a colander, and then put them in pretty egg cups with my tongs. Afterward, I used yellow playdough in a little bundt cake mold to make a cake and then slice it. Next, I used some neat purple "slime" stuff and made shapes with it and even cut it with scissors. Finally, I took a tray of colorful styrofoam nuggets and painted water on them. It turns out that they stick together when you do this! I made a flower shape. As we were leaving, I noticed that another boy had stung a necklace with Cheerios and was eating them off of it. I told Mommy that I wanted to do a necklace next time and repeat some of the other stuff I did. Troy told me that the next day Mommy would drop me off at school for a short time and that Troy would walk me into the school. I told her, "I prefer both {mommy AND me}." I also told her and Mommy that I wanted to play school at home to get used to the idea. (We did this, pretending to drive to school in my imaginary rainbow car.)

As Mommy was driving me to school this morning, I told her that I was "the Little Engine that Could," and went to school in that frame of mind. Teacher Troy walked me up the steps, I waved goodbye to Mommy and I disappeared inside in a flash. I was all smiles when Mommy picked me up a half hour later. My teacher told Mommy that I didn't understand why it was so short today since I had lots of things in mind to do. I told Mommy that I didn't get to do the necklace or the colorful styrofoam things, but I did do a tower. (Mommy guesses this was the "pink tower" from the Sensorial area.) I also mentioned a circle with a goodbye song and that there is a Jack in his class who isn't a big man! (unlike Uncle Jack)

This week is a phase in week, where I go every day for a short amount of time (Weds- 1/2 hour, Thurs-45 min, Fri-1 hr, Mon and Tues-1 1/2 hrs. Finally a week from tomorrow I go my full 2 1/2 hrs. I'll be going to school 3 days a week once the getting used to school week is done: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Anonymous said...

Hi Aidan, WOW! Pre-school is a big step in your life. It sounds as though your pre-school has a lot of fun things for you to do; songs, craft projects, etc. Aidan, do you eat snacks at pre-school? That yellow bundt cake sounded rather tasty - too bad it's only for stuffed animal creatures because it's only pretend cake. Anyway, I think you like chocolate cake better. You got off to a very good start. LOVE, Auntie Max

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Garden was the right choice. It's nice how they phase them in.

This is off to a great start!