Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Heffalump Movie

Mommy has offered to take me to a movie called The Heffalump Movie. It features all of my favorite Pooh characters and is in a real movie theater. I'm not sure I like movie theaters. They're dark and sometimes they have loud noises, neither of which appeal to me. As a result, I've been practicing playing movie theater to build up my courage. This past weekend, I built a Lego movie theater with Daddy. It featured a large screen and lots of seats including a balcony section. Soon it was time for people to watch The Heffalump Movie. For the first seating, I would place Lego blocks on each o the seats and I would say who they were. Sometimes I would ask Daddy who was sitting there. Guests for the first show included all the Pooh characters, Maisy, Tullulah (Maisy's bird friend), and Elmo. Guests that Daddy brought to the show included Phil Mickelson (one of my favorite golfers), Lyndon and Ladybird Johnson (my favorite politician), Richard Brevard Russell (I like his picture in the Lyndon Johnson book), Leland Olds (same story), and Tiger Woods.

For the second show, the guests consisted entirely of yellow Lego blocks, which I said were Tallulah. They were 17 Tallulahs at that show and no room for anyone else. Indeed, even the Tallulahs found the theater to be quite crowded.

A key difficulty in watching the movie is that, at random intervals, I lift the screen from its moorings and it flies away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know how old I was when I was first taken to the movies. I liked the cartoons (we called them"comedies",) and I liked movies with a lot of singing and dancing, but I was somewhat uneasy with the MGM lion.
