Friday, February 27, 2004


One of my favorite activities to play with Daddy is "feetball". I pick up two (always has to be two) feetballs and summon Daddy to our back hallway. Here, the game takes on various forms. Sometimes I toss a feetball to Daddy and he tosses it back. Other times, I'm the fullback and I come charging into the "line" (Daddy) in an attempt to break through. When we're doing the fullback version of the game, Daddy prefers that we be on carpeted surfaces rather than the hard floor. The noises Daddy makes on impact are the best part (although being bounced around is pretty good too.) Daddy seems to think that I'll make a fine fullback some day since I don't shy away from contact at all. I just lower my head and plow in.

Feetball is fun.

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