Wednesday, February 18, 2004


I've become increasing interested in singing over the last few weeks. Mostly I like to make up my own songs with lyrics about things that interest me. Sometimes I sing or hum songs that I know from my music together class. A favorite in this regard is the chugga chugga choo choo song, which I really enjoy. On Sunday, Daddy was reading a book called Barnyard Dance by the amazingly prolific Sandra Boynton. This is a book that's meant to be sung though perhaps not in the way that Daddy does it. He would singsong some of the words to the book and then take extended breaks to hum the theme from that all-time classic, The Benny Hill Show. I really enjoy the Benny Hill music. Since that song doesn't have words (or at least Daddy doesn't know them), I added my own lyrics. While Daddy hummed the Benny Hill theme, I'd singsong "Balls in holes. Ballf ballf balls in holes!" and so on. He seemed to really like these lyrics.

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