Monday, July 09, 2007

Bye Bye Nainnie

Today is the day that Nainnie flew back to Pennsylvania. I enjoyed her visiting and wondered when she'd be back. I hope it is soon. During this past weekend, we went to Napa where, happily, the fake apples and pears were back at Trefethen winery. Daddy, Nainnie, and I played all sorts of games with these. I also went "fishing" in the fountain located out on the side of the property. In my version of fishing, I get a stick and use it to fish out colorful leaves located in the fountain. I got an especially nice one that I took back home with me. Next, it was off to Domaine Chandon for a ramble. They have a pretty stream there, and I spent some time going back and forth on the "rock bridge". It's not really a bridge, just a set of rocks crossing the stream that, if you're careful, you can use to get across without getting your feet wet. I also discovered that Domaine Chandon has really tasty bread. Daddy and Nainnie got an artisan cheese plate while they were there, and it featured a really nice stick of bread. I like the middle part of the bread (not a big fan of the crust) while Daddy thought the crusts were just fine, so everyone was happy.

On Sunday, we had more gravity races. Daddy lent Nainnie his team of gravity race cars while he fielded a new team, and we had a three way duel. While I didn't win all of the contests, I am proud to report that a car called the "Little Red Roadster" did manage to claim the Gravity Cup in one of the tournaments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a lovely time!

