Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Mountain Climbing

Lately, Daddy and I have taken a different outing our walks then the usual one. Instead of going to a park, Daddy and I have been climbing up a very high mountain near where we live. This climb involves a trip up the endless staircase---a set of stairs that rises about four storeys---followed by a hike up a giant mountain. From the top, we have a great view of all the places where we live. I especially like Mount Diablo (pictured here). It reminds me of a dormant volcano in Maui. I asked Daddy if the Mount Diablo volcano was asleep, but he told me that Mount Diablo was not volcanic. I also like to look at the San Ramon valley and the Berkeley Hills in the sunset.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's quite a climb for a three-and-a-half year old, but no doubt your Daddy does it a a pace you like.

That is a great view!
