Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Blue Hawaii

We're just back from Maui. I had a great time. I got to build sand castles. I also built some sand bridges and sand tunnels for the sand railroad to drive on. I made some sand cakes and sand pancakes too. I got to see a whole bunch of fishies in a submarine and in an aquarium. I liked the sharks and especially the crabs. Crabs were a source of endless fascination (and some trepidation) during the trip since the holes they dig are all over the beach. I also got to swim in a waterfall on the Mommy boat and the Daddy boat. (The Aidan boat is not very seaworthy so far so I rely on others.)

Here are some pictures of my adventures in Blue Hawaii. Here's a better link with more description.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Aidan,

Your Aunt Julie and your cousin, Emma and I were at Cocoa Beach on Monday.

Emma also prefers the sand to the water.

At one point, everyone had to get out of the water, because a shark was spotted. After a while it was safe to go in.

Glad you had a fun vacation in Maui!


Anonymous said...

The beaches by our condo were closed for a couple hours one day because a shark came so close to some swimmers that a man punched it in the nose to chase it away! No one was hurt except the shark, thankfully! Beaches reopened later the same day. (Some other beaches on the northern end of Maui were closed for 4 days because a bunch of tiger sharks were feeding on a fish kill too close in for comfort. We were glad we didn't stay up there!)