Monday, April 11, 2005

First Harvest

We had out first harvest from the garden: Spinach leaves. Our spinach plants have been growing really well, so we picked some last night for salads for all of us. Yay spinach. In other news: We have baby strawberries now growing. I can't wait for them to be ready. Our basil plant, however, is not feeling well.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Fresh baby spinach leaves are great in a salad. Fresh cooked spinach, with a little butter and salt and pepper, is also very good.

You're lucky to be in California where you can enjoy these fresh-picked treats so early!

Have fun with the garden!


Anonymous said...

Hi again, Aidan,

Just wanted to let you know that I took the most recent batches of pictures of you and of your cousin Emma with me to show off when I went out to dinner last evening with your Auntie Max, your great-great Aunt Sarah and your cousin Gail.

Everyone thought you and Emma were very good-looking children and did see some family resenblance. They loved your big-boy haircut!

